2022 BCIMA
Product Launch
2022 Product Launch
Welcome to the official 2022 BCIMA product launch website, where you can find out more about the Building and Construction Industry Medical Aid Fund’s products and benefits for 2022.
Scheme of choice
The Building and Construction Industry Medical Aid Fund, BCIMA, is a financially sound medical schemes with healthy reserves and an extremely high solvency ratio of 116%. For nearly six decades BCIMA has focused on providing value-for-money medical cover and innovative healthcare solutions for employers and employees in the building, construction, civil engineering and open-cast mining industries. Our long and proud track record has given us comprehensive understanding and insight into the sector we serve as well as its people and their specific needs. That is one of many reasons why we have been entrusted with the task of providing healthcare cover to people working in the industries we serve since 1964.
Uniquely BCIMA
BCIMA is the preferred scheme for the building, construction, civil engineering and open cast mining industry, amongst others, due to its unique benefit structure, which is specifically designed around the requirements of employers and employees working within the industry. Generous benefits and below-average annual contribution increases make BCIMA the ideal partner for those working in this industry.

The BCIMA offering
This value-for-money fund is more affordable than the average medical scheme as it is exempt from prescribed minimum benefits (PMBs). BCIMA, however does pay for PMB treatments in line with annual limits.
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BCIMA was specifically created with the needs of the employees and employers of the building and construction industry in mind, therefore we are able to provide healthcare cover that sets the Scheme apart. BCIMA’s single rate contributions mean that all registered dependants within a family have access to cover while only the main member pays contributions, which are based on income. Membership numbers are retained for life and the fund can be joined for specific contract periods, if required. BCIMA members are not governed by network restrictions but are instead afforded the freedom of choice in selecting any service provider, from private hospitals to traditional healers and homeopaths.
Extra value in 2022
In 2022, BCIMA members will have access to an unlimited in-hospital benefit for COVID-19 admissions, a new preventative mental wellness benefit that includes one psychological visit for the principal member and their beneficiaries per annum, as well as an unlimited dentistry benefit for children under the age of six.

The all-new BCIMA Plus option
The brand new BCIMA Plus option, which was specifically developed in answer to an additional need in the sector that we serve, is fully compliant with all regulatory requirements and will provide full cover for prescribed minimum benefits (PMBs). As a new generation option, it will further provide members with a medical savings account of 25% of monthly contributions and an unlimited in-hospital benefit. The 27 Chronic Disease List conditions will be covered from risk under this benefit option.
Want to know more about BCIMA?
Visit the BCIMA website.
Download the BCIMA Basic brochure.
Download the BCIMA Plus brochure.
Accreditation happens!
Complete your online broker accreditation assessment here.
Competition time!
Stand a chance to win one of two Takealot vouchers to the value of R1 000 by answering a super easy question.
Entries close on 8 October at 10:00 AM.
Platinum Broker Awards
BCIMA would like to take this opportunity to thank all our brokers for their continued support throughout this challenging year. Your ongoing commitment throughout these difficult times is truly remarkable, and for this we salute you.
The Platinum Broker Awards are held annually in recognition of our top performing brokers. The evaluation criteria for the 2021 Platinum Awards were based on the organic growth achieved through this past year with BCIMA.
We are pleased to announce that the Platinum Broker Award for BCIMA goes to Marie de Wet from Care Medical Aid Consulting. Congratulations Marie, on this well-deserved award.
(+27) 11 208 1000 / [email protected]
BCIMA is administered by Universal Healthcare Administrators (Pty) Ltd / Privacy Policy
Disclaimer: All information shared is subject to approval by the CMS and the registered rules of the scheme for 2022.
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